Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Career Interest Survey

Your Type is INFJ Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Strength of the preferences %
11 75 12 22

List a minimum of 10 things that interest you about the career you are researching?
1. The ability to help build and maintain software.
2. Being able to be with people that share the same ideas and inspirations as me.
3. Keeping up with the fast paced changing of computers.
4. Helping people make faster better computers and applications
5. Helping design different programs.
6. Learning the many types of Programming Languages.
7. Helping game companies make funner longer games.
8. Keeping up with the different game types.
9. Designing a programs and such for Windows or Mac.
10. It'll be fun, and some thing i will enjoy doing

Which ESTJ did you score the highest? Of the careers listed for you, which one are you planning to research? Intuitive. Maybe a writer. When i was little i used to write stories :P . I'm planning on researching "Computer Software Engineer."

There are currently no job opportunities in my area of research.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Career Blog

I'm cureently a student at Maysville Highschool. After i graduate i hope to become a Computer Programmer, Level Designer at Bethesda or another big name in the gaming industry. Outside of the Computer industry i wish to become an Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineer.